Legon Restoration Read online

Page 3

  Umbra could hear Barnin and his men running to where she was. She turned her attention to the girl on the ground, sending energy into her body, keeping her alive.

  "What did you find?" Barnin yelled when he was in ear shot.

  "Arkin is dead. Stacy is in bad shape, I need to take care of her," Umbra said focusing on Stacy.

  Barnin stopped mid run. "Arkin is what?" he said, his voice holding none of its usual bravado. He didn't wait for her to answer but ran again to the form of Arkin on the ground. He swore throwing his helmet.

  "I'm so sorry, I know that he was a mentor to you," Umbra said trying to sound consoling.

  Barnin stood breathing heavy, taking a few moments to gather himself. "Thank you Umbra, I know that you should call this in, but would it be OK if you just, I don't know, made it so I could tell Legon myself?"

  She agreed and opened her mind to Barnin and the Carrier Legon was on.

  * * * * *

  Legon was back in his Elvin form. Transforming back wasn't as difficult as he thought it would be. Iselin was with Sasha in her quarters doing some tests on Sasha's powers. There was a buzz in his head telling him that there was a report for him. He broadened the connection, surprised to feel Barnin's presence.

  "What is it?" Legon asked worried at the turmoil of Barnin's emotions.

  "It’s Arkin," Barnin said angry and sad. "He’s dead, we found his body. Stacy is here too, she's alive but just barely."

  Legon's blood turned to ice and a pit formed in his gut; he'd known this was a possible outcome, the only way Arkin wouldn't have warned Legon of an attack was if he had been dead. But the concept railed against Legon, Arkin couldn't be dead. "You're sure?" Legon asked shaky.

  Barnin sounded broken, defeated, all of his unshakable confidence gone. "Yeah buddy he's gone. Looks like they put up one hell of a fight though; there are Dark Warriors all around...what do you want me to do?"

  Legon spoke without thinking, "Have Umbra bring him to the Carrier; have Stacy brought too."

  "And what do you want me to do?" Barnin asked again.

  Legon's anger flared, not at Barnin but at what had happened. Barnin was not just asking Legon as a friend for direction but also as a leader, as the Head of a Great House. Legon tried not to let anger color his decisions; he needed to be rational, needed to be a leader, needed to be the Head of a Great House.

  "This was a trap meant to kill myself, Sasha and I suppose my wife as well. If Stacy is hurt and Arkin dead then whoever did this to them is still alive; it would take more than a handful of men to defeat those two. You and your men are to search the area. We have several of Ascended around there that will assist in search efforts, if there is a group around they can't be far."

  "What do you want me to do when I find them?" Barnin asked.

  "Capture them alive if you can. I want answers."

  Barnin swore, "You're going to let them live? How could..."

  Legon cut him off firmly. "Yes, until I have answers I will let them live. This was an assassination attempt and one that very nearly worked. We need answers. I am not interested in grunts that carry out attacks, I am more interested in those who plan them; the ones who are truly responsible for Arkin's death. Don't you worry my friend, once we have the information that we need there will be justice, but not before."

  "No, no you’re right, I'm sorry. I was hot headed," Barnin said with more control. Then softer, "I've seen where these Dark Warriors come from, they are more like animals if you ask me, just following orders. OK, we'll look around and see what we can find, but I'm not going to lie to you. We've heard how these guys are in a fight, we may not be able to take them down alive."

  Legon could feel Barnin's mind, feel the storm inside. He wasn't just upset about Arkin, he was thinking of Josher and the others he had lost that day. Legon spoke, "It's been a bad day and we've lost a lot of good people. I don't want you to take anymore losses; if you find anyone, don't take any needless risks to bring them in. Notify an Ascended if you locate anything; they will be able to handle a group of infantry no matter the size. And don't worry, once we find out what we need we can take care of the survivors. After all, we can't have them escaping and telling their command what we know, can we?"

  Legon broke the connection with Barnin. His anger faded, being replaced by a huge sense of loss, it was like losing Kovos all over again. He righted himself. Iselin's mind was tense, feeling his emotions. He walked into the room that she and Sasha were in.

  How did he break the news to them? Legon just decided to spit it out, "Arkin was killed in the attack...Stacy is badly hurt...she is being brought here. Barnin is looking for those that attacked them. Emma and Mage should also be heading back now as well."

  Iselin's blue green eyes seemed to melt, Sasha's red ones softened. It was the latter who spoke first, choked, "Ho... tha... no," was all that came out.

  Legon walked up to Iselin taking her hand, she squeezed his back speaking in a hush, "We grew up together, he was older than me. I looked up to him." She looked into Legon's eyes, "How?"

  “They were attacked, but we will have to wait until Stacy is recovered to find out the particulars.”

  Sasha was looking down at the floor, her emotions a tangle.

  "Sash I'm sorry I-I know what he meant to you..." Legon started.

  "I know you do, he was something to all of us. At least he was with Stacy at the end. They seemed to be very much in love, he would have wanted her to looks like we have another to care for," she finished.

  That they did too; Stacy was on an ever growing list of those close to them that had lost. In that moment Legon stopped feeling, he was out of emotional energy for the day, he wanted to morn Arkin, would morn him, but he couldn't right now.

  "I am going to go send word to our parents and I suppose his aunt and uncle in Coreum," Legon said.

  "I'll contact Ivy," Iselin said. "I know her from when I was younger; it should come from someone they know...I think Arkin was like a son to them in a way. It's hard to tell he was always gone...I'm sorry, I'm rambling," she said shaking her head walking out of the room and towards the communications center of the Carrier.

  Legon looked at Sasha who still was looking at the floor; he took a few steps to stand in front of her. Before he could speak, Sasha’s arms wrapped tightly around him and she sobbed into his neck, "Why, why, why?"

  "I know," he said reaching into her mind, feeling for pain.

  "NO!" she said angry and then instantly soft, "Not this, we share this, we hold it together."

  "OK, I'm sorry, you’re right."

  She coughed, "Don't be sorry, you're doing what you always do, protecting me, protecting everybody." She looked into his eyes with a fire he hadn't seen before, "You don't have to hold this mantle alone, not anymore; it's ours together."

  I know Sash, I know Legon thought to himself.

  * * * * *

  Sasha made her way to the deck of the Carrier. Legon would take care of informing their family, for now she wanted to distract herself by taking care of Stacy. The salty sea breeze blew her hair in every direction as she stepped on deck. She figured with her new eyes she probably looked like some monster from children's stories. Her senses were that of any Elf now, but unlike other Elves she saw as an Ascended did, bands of energy weaving in the air as Elves moved around; even the ship was emitting energy. It was beautiful in a way, the ribbons of color, but also disorienting.

  Emma was back and running towards her. Sasha temporarily was distracted from her worries as she gazed at Emma; watching electrical impulses run down her legs and arms as she moved. How was she going to get used to that? Emma bounded into her arms. Upon seeing Sasha's changed appearance she leaned back.

  "Whoa, I like the eyes," she commented.

  This caught Sasha off guard, "Really? I don't look like a monster?"

  Emma stepped back and took Sasha in, "Nah, in fact I think it works for you, I mean you're an Elf now right? And you look even better th
an you did before, somehow the eyes add to it." Then she added, "I don't know maybe sneak up on me in the dark some time and see how I react then." Emma took her in more closely, "But there is more isn't there?"

  All light heartedness left. "Arkin is dead," Sasha said looking down. "Stacy is hurt. She is being brought here."

  Emma huffed out, "I'm sorry knew him better than I did, are you going to be OK?"

  Sasha saw Umbra coming in to land on the deck of the ship. "Yes I will, but now we need to work," Sasha said trying to focus on something other than Arkin.

  They made their way to Umbra. A black mist rose from her back and the still form of Stacy lowered to Sasha and Emma's level. Stacy looked bad; she was stabbed several times, and was covered in cuts and other injuries. Sasha examined her and with her mind summoned the Ship’s Head of Medicine. Another still figure was almost on the deck now, Sasha's head turned to see Arkin's body floating.

  Umbra spoke in her mind. "Un Prose, where would you like him to be laid?" she asked, empathy curling her tone.

  Sasha walked over to Arkin, tears forming in her eyes. Forgetting about Stacy for a moment she reached out, taking the carpenter in her arms. With her knew body his weight was like that of a child. She couldn't help but think of when he would carry her as a child after one of her episodes.

  She looked to Umbra. "Thank you, I will take him from here. Emma will you please tend to Stacy, I will be with you shortly."

  Sasha made her way below deck. The Elves in the hall parted for her as she passed; they bowed their heads in respect. It wasn't that most of them knew Arkin; in fact it was unlikely that more than a handful on the ship knew who he was, but rather they saw Sasha's face and were bowing in respect to a man who’d earned the Head of House caring their body in their arms. He is worth the respect she thought.

  She came to the door of her apartment, Sasha's hand maid opened the door and she walked into her bedroom laying Arkin on the bed. "His body never touches the ground again," she said with a kind tone leaving the room.

  One of Sasha's guards, Cynta, approached her in her Elvin form. "Are you OK, Un Prose?" she asked, her brown eyes warm.

  "I am, thank you Cynta," Sasha said walking off, not wanting to talk to anyone.

  She noticed Cynta keeping up with her. "Is there something else?" Sasha asked.

  Cynta was short but she seemed to stretch herself, making herself look as tall as she could. "I am not leaving you Un Prose," she said, the green flecks in her eyes sparkling.

  "But I'm on the Carrier, I'm perfectly safe here," Sasha said a little miffed.

  Cynta looked down, her short black hair falling like a curtain around her face. "Please Un Prose, had I been with you today you would not have been injured," she said.

  Sasha softened. "Or Ascended," she said "I wouldn't have Ascended either."

  "Still Un Prose, that Un Prosa Legon needed to use such magic to protect himself and you is a shame the house guard must rightfully carry."

  "But you were ordered to..." and then Sasha remembered, you were ordered to not guard Legon's birth parents and they were killed. Sasha understood. When she was in the Palace she'd always assumed the house guard following her and Legon to be more of a comfort to the general public, but now she questioned that. "OK Cynta, you can stay with me, but please don't be so formal."

  Cynta smiled, taking a place next to her as Sasha began walking again.

  * * * * *

  Emma followed the small precession of Elves that were taking Stacy to the sick bay. Emma wasn't too sure if Stacy was going to make it. Emma knew that the Elves were good at what they did, but Stacy was injured badly, her cream skin was now like chock.

  The Head Healer, Neenon, placed Stacy on an exam table. Presently Sasha walked into the sick bay with one of her guard, Cynta.

  "How is she?" Sasha asked Neenon.

  "We checked her vitals on deck. Umbra stopped most of her bleeding but we went ahead and checked her to make sure she didn't have any internal bleeding," Neenon said.

  "Did she?" Sasha asked, looking at the girl.

  "It appears that her own wards prevented the vast majority of that. Un Prose, are you alright?" Neenon asked.

  Sasha shook her head frustrated. "Yes, yes I'm fine. I just see as Ascended do now and to be honest, going from dull human senses to that of an Elf in dragon form is a bit overwhelming and confusing. My apologies, please don't let me keep you from Stacy."

  Emma was curious. She'd seen through the eyes of Elves before and it was a bit much, but she had never seen through the eyes of an Ascended. Sasha stepped back next to Emma who leaned in, "What's it like?"

  Sasha paused and then opened her mind to Emma. She could see everything in the same detail as the other Elves and hear everything in the room, even heart beats. Almost tasting the air, she felt heat from people’s bodies, but there was so much more. She could see bands of energy undulating around people and objects. She could see impulses running along their bodies. Emma pulled back, "Whoa."

  "Yes, I know. Iselin told me that with time I will stop seeing most of that stuff and just see like an Elf. She said that it's common for dragons to be overwhelmed at first, but as time passes you have to focus on seeing things like energy."

  "Really?" Emma asked.

  "No. She's so use to me not being able to read her face, but now that I see like an Elf I think she was lying to keep me from losing it, sweet of her really."

  Neenon interrupted their conversation, "Un Prose, we have looked her over and she will be fine. She needs rest, but I would like to keep her here for a few days just to make sure."

  "Thank you Neenon, please let me know if you need anything and it will be taken care of."

  They made their way out of the sick bay and Sasha said that she was going to go take a nap. Emma continued walking until she found Legon; he was leaving the ship’s communication room, his face slack.

  "Hey Em, how do you feel?" he asked.

  "I'm fine, you fixed my leg. How are you?"

  "I'm not entirely sure; there has been so much today I'm not feeling much of anything." As he spoke, Emma couldn't help but marvel at the purple flecks in his eyes, more than she had ever seen on anyone, other than..."What is Sasha now?"

  "She is a class six but in an Elf form, it's never been seen before, that’s why her eyes are that solid metallic red. The flecks indicate power, which is why I have so many, I'm a class eight." He seemed to read her shock, "I'm sorry, you weren't here when I was tested, I'm an eight and Sasha a six. How crazy is that?"

  Crazy. She didn't say it; instead, "That's amazing, have you told your family?"

  "Yes and I told them about Arkin; Keither and Sara are being told now. I dare say this will not be a good night for anyone."

  Chapter Three

  Laid to Rest

  "Life ripples out like the water of a pond, how far the ripples go and what they touch we truly never know."

  -Diary of the Perfectos Compatioa

  Umbra stood in the front row next to Barnin as Josher’s coffin was lowered into its grave. Only Barnin's unit and a few others were present, she looked around the collection of dirty men still in their armor. They didn't look sad, just tired. In that moment Umbra felt for them. This was just a small blip in her life as far as time went. She had walked the land for thousands of years, and unless killed, would continue to do so for thousands more. The men around her were not that way, most were in their twenties, even a few in their teens. They hadn't lived life, they hadn't loved and been loved, hadn't lived every dream they had. Yet many of them wouldn't leave this war alive. And those that did would lose years of their short lives and worse, this war would be what defined them. Umbra's eyes burned; the boy in the grave was evidence enough of that. He was young, trying to help, he had no wife or children and in a way that made it a sadder because his was a life un-lived.

  The gathered group started to move away from the grave, only Barnin, Ankle and Heath staying behind. Barnin turned, l
ooking at her. She felt self conscious; were they going to hold her responsible for his death? She wouldn't blame them.

  "I'm sorry, I will leave you alone," she said turning.

  "Why?" Heath asked.

  She was confused. "Don't you blame me for his death?" she asked.

  Ankle answered "You didn't know him long but you were as much a friend as any. You have every right to be here, and we don't blame you, how could we? This is war. This is how it is."

  "You have saved our skin several times. That we made it to the town at all was a credit to you, no we aren't mad at you," Barnin said and then more somber, "How do you live with this for centuries?"

  "What do you mean?" Umbra asked

  Ankle answered, "We always have the hope that someday when we pass that we will see our friends and family again; we can live with things like this war because life is short. You can't, if you lose someone it’s for thousands of years. How do you live with that?"

  She smiled weakly. "And here I was thinking of how awful all this was for you, only having a few decades for life. To answer, time dulls pain. Yet, with our connections to those close to us the pain dulls, and sometimes you almost forget but it never goes away."

  * * * * *

  Barnin looked away from the grave and spoke to Umbra. "Yeah, I think this is bad for everyone. Are you coming to Arkin's funeral?" he asked.

  "No, I was not planning on it. I didn't know him..." Umbra replied.

  "You should come, I could use the company," Barnin said.

  Barnin walked toward Noris, Umbra next to him. Heath and Ankle were just a bit behind. Heath wasn't going to Arkin's funeral, saying he had enough of death for the day. Barnin took in Umbra, her black hair bouncing with each graceful step she took; she looked out of place in a crushed black velvet dress, a spark of beauty in a sea of dirt and grime.

  Her green eyes bore into him. "What are you thinking about?" she asked.

  He huffed, "You. Here we are all armor and grit and you in, well," he motioned from her head to feet, "you're in that."