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Legon Restoration Page 5
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Page 5
Legon listened as she outlined her plans for how she was going to deal with the Impa Navy. After she was done other Houses gave updates on all of their activities, most either being on schedule with their plans or further ahead than expected. Legon was shocked to hear that the Precipice was being attacked. Tuneal of House Paldin had chosen not to meeting Cona forces at the sentinels but instead to force them to fight in the narrow canyons leading into the valley where the dome was. The representative from House Coreen reported that the land invasion from Pawdin lands had met little resistance in the open plains area south in the empire. His report detailed that in many cases small villages and co-ops welcomed Elvin forces with open arms.
"That goes to show that Arkin's work was effective; however, I do not think all of the war will go this easy," Sydin said.
"No. I do not either," the representative from House Coreen said. "We suspect that the further north we go the more resistance we will face, but more than that even after a town is cleared we expect that in the northern areas we will have more insurgency from those loyal to the Cona Empire. Un Prosa Legon, may I ask what reports we have from House Evindass' spy network?"
"Yes I have been receiving reports. Thankfully Arkin made plans in the event that he was killed." There was a collective sigh of relief from the room at Legon's pronouncement. "We are still getting information from each city in his network. From what we can tell most of the Cona lands don't even know there is a war on, only high ranking officials seem to know anything. In the southern areas there is more awareness, but the closer to the Capital a city is the less they know. Some of our cells have attempted to start rumors of the war but have had efforts blocked by Iumenta Ascended influencing people heavily," Legon said.
"This makes you happy Un Prosa?" Hydra asked looking him over.
"Yes it does, as you are all aware when someone’s mind is influenced too strongly they become aware of it. From all accounts the Iumenta have had to divert their more skilled Ascended to handle the threat we posed. As a result, many novice Ascended are influencing people and in some cases people are starting to become aware."
This seemed to please most of the Elves in the room and Legon went on. "However, while Arkin's network is giving us information it still needs a new Head, for that I am planning on assigning Stacy, Arkin's right hand in Salez and significant other."
"How much do you trust her?" Hydra asked.
"Arkin had one hundred percent trust in her, they were connected mentally almost the entire time he was in Salez. She has the drive, though that does concern me. I don't want her to make mistakes as she looks for revenge, but that aside I think she is our best option. She knows more about Arkin's operation and plans then anyone, she is even responsible for many of the things his network did."
None of the house representatives pushed the subject, Legon knew that their questions were more driven out of curiosity than anything else.
A raven haired Elf representing House Neephom spoke to Sydin. "Sydin what are your plans with the Venefica?" Then, turning and gesturing proudly to Legon, "And the newest class eight Ascended in the Pawdin Empire, and also Un Prose Sasha."
Sydin beamed, "We are going to secure the air space over the land and use Ascended to take out as many targets as possible. As for Legon and Sasha, Opes will be taking them back to Seeon for training; we hope to have Legon and Sasha ready in a few months at best."
Legon smiled warmly, five years ago he would have been insulted by being forced back to Seeon to train, but not anymore; he saw it as an opportunity and planned on working as hard has he could to be ready to fight.
* * * * *
It was evening by the time Sara left Keither's side. She was off to help with some of the medical supplies. The air was cool when she left the warehouse that was Keither's headquarters, the sun almost set. She made her way to the docks, passing ravaged buildings as she went. She heard a bell toll in the harbor indicating that residents needed to make their way home. Martial Law was in effect in Noris, a curfew of nightfall restricted all but resistance forces.
The docks came into view and she focused on her task for the evening. As she approached a ship she heard the sound of rumbling thunder as if in the distance. She looked at the horizon, seeing color flashing in the sky. Ascended she said to herself. As she looked back at the harbor she watched as three Elvin destroyers made their way up the slow waters of the Kayloose. Bolts from the decks launched into the hill side on the other side of the river bursting into fire. She looked up the river, the horizon glowing orange.
"They are trying to take some more land east of here, I think to clear more of the docks," the rough voice of a guard said. "Don't worry, Noris is still secure." There was a boom in the distance and fire bloomed in the air above Noris, the guard seemed to reconsider his previous statement. "Well, it's mostly secure..."
She laughed, "Thank you, I am here to help with the off load of medical supplies."
"Oh, OK, then see that ship down there?" he said pointing west, "That's the one you want."
"Thank you," she said making her way to the ship.
Sara stepped on the rough deck of the ship. It was an older merchant ship that had been loaned out for the war. Her crew members were either too old to fight or too young to be allowed to fight.
A middle age man with several days’ worth of stubble walked up to her. "Good Evenin, the name's Captain Rich. How may I be of service?" he said kindly.
"My name is Sara. I am here to help off load the medical supplies."
He cocked a half smile, "You’re gonna unload cargo?"
She smirked, "OK, I am here to direct and tell the dock crews where to send cargo." She smiled.
Captain Rich chuckled and showed her below deck. "There isn't much here for ya, we only got lots of odds and ends."
Sara looked the cargo over. She would have liked to have seen more in the way of supplies, but anything was better than nothing. "Thank you, when can you have it on the docks?"
Rich rubbed his chin, "Seein’ how there is medicine and the likes, and there ain’t much of um, I would say I can get them off for ya in less than an hour; if’n I can get clearance from the port master."
"Begin unloading, I will tend to the port master," Sara said not unkindly but with authority.
Sara found the port master and her heart fell a bit. The man’s name was James and Sara was not fond of him at all.
"What do you want?" James asked rudely.
"I need you to clear a ship for unloading so I can get medical supplies to the healing centers."
James was at a desk leaning back in his chair. "I just went on lunch."
This was one of the many reasons she couldn't stand James. "Well, can you just sign off on the ship? We really need those supplies," she said.
James sneered at her, "Why don't I finish my lunch and when I get to it, I get to it. Besides, what do I care if some local town folk kick the bucket; we should have wiped them out to begin with."
"James," she said trying not to sound mad, "we are here to help..."
He cut her off, "Sorry, I forget you’re not real bright, I'M ON LUNCH! Do you get me?"
Sara's face burned, she felt the power in her flex. It would feel so good to zap you she thought.
Sara needed those supplies and decided to go over James' head. Her mind flicked out to a nearby Elvin ship. "Forgive me, but I need to speak with someone on the Evindass Carrier Kovos, can you patch me through?" She felt the ship connect her with the Carrier. "Hello, I may I speak with Un Prosa Legon, Sasha or Iselin? This is Sara." She hated to do this, they were busy, but she needed those supplies.
Iselin's mind joined hers, "Sara, I am in Noris, what do you need?"
Sara explained the situation to Iselin.
"I was already at the docks, ready to head back to the Carrier. I will be by in a moment," she said.
James seemed to be doing his best to ignore Sara, but still kept shooting her murderess glances. Finally he seemed to notice t
hat she was no longer looking upset. "What has you so happy?"
Sara just smiled.
Soon Iselin came strolling in the building and James' mouth dropped open. Sara wasn't sure what it was, if it was Iselin in her lavender dress or if it was the white robe she wore; clearly stating that not only was she in Noris on official state business, but that she was Head of a Great House.
"Good evening Un Prose," Sara said bowing.
Iselin smiled slightly. "I am here tending to matters with the Cona military." Her gaze focused on James and became flinty, "James, I understand that a ship with medical supplies needs clearance. Is there a reason this is not done?"
James puffed up, "I am on my lunch break and I am the port master on duty; so it's my call, not yours…whoever you are."
Sara winced inside.
Iselin smiled sweetly, the pink flecks in her eyes glittering. "I am Iselin Head of the Great House Evindass, and while I am here you are not the end all of decision making." She turned to Sara, "You have clearance to unload the ship."
Sara was happy to see the color drain from James' face and she could almost hear his heart stop when Iselin spoke next. "James, you would do well to be respectful to Heads of House. I will be seeing Enrich shortly, I will be sure to share my concern with him," she said gracefully walking out of the office with Sara hot on her heels.
"Thank you Ise, I'm sorry," Sara said once they were out of ear shot.
"It's OK, you needed those supplies, but you need to remember Legon, Sasha and I may not always be in range to help."
"I know, I'm sorry, I just don't know how to deal with that guy."
"I'm not chastising you; I'm just saying that if we aren't here you need to learn how to get what you need. May I recommend learning more of the Jezeer."
Sara was confused, "How do you mean?"
Iselin rolled her eyes but seemed amused, "Sara, the Jezeer is far more than learning to use your body; it teaches you how to read people, how to change your tone and body language to influence people. Learn those tools and you will not need to ever go over anyone’s head."
Sara understood. "I guess that it’s not all that different then when I was in Salez; I learned to read people there too and how to get people to do things."
"Yes in a way, but this time instead of selling yourself you are selling them on an idea, or in some cases trusting you and your opinion. This is how state craft works," Iselin explained. They were near an Elvin ship and Iselin changed the topic. "I have to go, we are leaving back to Seeon for Legon and Sasha to train, if you do need anything or just want to chat please contact us," she said giving Sara a hug.
"I will and you guys take care and thank you again. Also, I think I'm going to look more into this art of the Jezeer," Sara said.
* * * * *
Iselin stepped onto the ferry that would take her back to the Carrier and then bring Enrich back to Noris. She'd spent most of the afternoon working with the higher ups in the human military trying to establish a working relationship between the Cona forces and Pawdin. It was tiresome work, the humans were all jockeying for position and making plans for advancement, there was no sense of unity. This was foreign to most Elves, in complex situations they would talk things over and often times mentally link, without a desire to be above anyone else. Meetings were generally short and productive; the only thing impeding progress was pleasantries. That had not been her afternoon. Iselin knew that she was good with working with the human government. She knew humanity well and had spent lots of time around them, and if she was being honest, she knew that most of the government was male and found her attractive. She didn't flirt with them but they seemed to be just that much more pliable. Sadly, in her meetings that day, there were several human women. She had looked them over using her training in the Jezeer. Most were intimidated by her, and as a result they were being stubborn just to prove themselves. Another woman, who had little in the way of mental protection, thought that because Iselin was blonde and attractive she was brainless. There were older men in the room who likely thought the same of her; however, with their time in the Cona military they had learned to respect Elves and most importantly respect Elvin Houses. Even if they saw Iselin as a twit, they would not think so little of the minds behind her, and knowing how Elves worked the older generals listened to her input with respect.
She pinched the bridge of her nose trying to shove the day from her mind. By the time she was back to the ship her head was throbbing, she felt for Legon. Finding him in an office teaching Sasha to grow plants, Iselin smiled to herself remembering when she had given Legon the same lessons. Legon was next to Sasha, grinning as she made grass grow in a pot.
They both looked up when she came in the room. Legon's mind was warm and welcoming, her own little piece of heaven. Sasha beamed up at her, "Look Ise I can grow grass!"
Iselin laughed. "I can see that, it's very impressive. Is it hard?"
Sasha shook her head. "I think being connected to so many Elves for the last few years helped, I've been in all of your heads when you've done it and it's just doing it for myself now. It's really fun," she said, then reading how Iselin looked she added more subdued, "How are you doing? Are you OK?"
Iselin sat next to her husband, leaning against him on the soft couch; he put his arm around her. She closed her eyes as she answered, "Humans can be such a pain, no offense Sash."
Sasha giggled. "I can't really take offense anymore now can I? But I know what you mean, I was one for twenty-five years," she said.
Iselin opened her eyes. "Sorry, I'm so use to you as human Sasha, why did you have to mess that up, huh?"
"It's your fault! I want to meet all of my nieces and nephews and YOU Elves don't start having kids for a hundred years or so."
Iselin shook with Legon's chuckle. "Wow, so that's why we are going to be stuck with you for the rest of time?"
"Mmmm hmmm, yep, that's right, just deal with it," Sasha said turning back to her pot of grass.
Iselin thought about making a comment but drifted off to sleep instead.
Chapter Five
"Life is like a wild horse, we have a choice, we can hold tight and see where it takes us, or we can fall off and hope to not break a leg."
-Excerpts from the Diary of the Adopted Sister
Legon woke from a dreamless sleep. In the weeks following his Ascension neither him, Sasha or Iselin had dreamt of the White Dragon. Legon wondered if it meant that the dreams were over. He breathed in, his nostrils filling with the sweet scent of Iselin's hair. Reflexively the arm he had around her torso tightened, bringing her sleeping form in closer. Her soft skin was hot against his, a feeling that would have been uncomfortable had it not been for the mattress cooling itself.
He kissed her shoulder and her mind awakened, connecting with his. She rolled under his arm so she was on her back. He ran his hand up and down the silk skin of her belly and side; she turned her head, eyes still closed towards him. He kissed her softly, thinking about how perfect most every morning had been since their marriage.
She smiled and spoke softly, "Yes, mornings are wonderful. You are relaxed from a night’s sleep and still not with it enough to think of the day ahead." She rolled again, making Legon move off his side and onto his back. Draping her arm around Legon, resting her head on his chest with a kiss she said, "Just a bit longer." As he ran his fingers up and down her back he felt her mind disconnect with sleep. Again, the bed’s temperature and even firmness altered, it was almost imperceptible when this happened. Legon knew that the bed he would sleep in that evening on the Lux would be so well crafted that he wouldn't feel any of the changes either. The headboard would produce the faint sent of lavender and the air would have more oxygen, helping them to sleep soundly. The beds were a far cry from that of his home in Salmont. There the mattress he slept on was filled with a lumpy tangle of rope, now his body no longer contoured itself to the bed, but rather the bed to him, as did every bed in the Pawdin Empire.<
br />
It was in times like these that Legon wondered if it was right for the immortals to not share their technology with humanity. He knew that humans could not grow plants at will and that it was that ability that made the Elves living so much more comfortable. It was a war in his mind, but he knew the answer. Humanity grew on its own for thousands of years; it was slow but still growth. That growth stopped after the War of Generations, after humans moved into the old Iumenta and Elf cities. Early settlers had adapted mostly Iumenta tools and technology, as that of the Elves was organic and faded. But as a result humanity seemed to lose its ability to come up with new things on its own as far as technological improvements went. This pattern continued as the Elves began to work with humans again; each time the Elves would drastically alter something for humanity it was like touching the wings of a butterfly, they didn't work from that time forth. The fear was a valid one. If the immortals continued to heavily influence human ingenuity, humanity would become dependent on them. Conversely, the human lands were always riddled with war and contention, but was it not the responsibility of the immortals to step in to stop injustice? Legon wasn't sure, it was a question that he thought would be an easy one, but after years of being an Elf he was still undecided. The Great Houses did their best to walk a line between mentor and enabler, but it was a fine line that always seemed to change.